How To Organize A Closet You’ll Truly Adore

Looking at your closet right now, wouldn’t it be amazing to have this level of clarity about what things should stay and where they should be stored?
You bet it would! Which is why you must first step for how to organize any closet, but especially this one, is to assess.
Let me ground this for you. If you don’t have a crystal clear reason behind why you want to get organized, what this organized closet will do for you or what having an organized closet even looks like… well then, you’ll not only wind up wasting a ton of time, energy + a lot of money but you’ll more than likely never arrive at your destination #OrganizingFail.
And that’s a shame, right?
Not to fret my friend, at its core, this is exactly why we developed our rock-solid organizing process that gets results.
So, go on + assess.
Because before you know it, this will become your saving grace. Your north star. A beacon that you can rely on + refer to often because it helps you identify what you ultimately want in your home. And as you navigate that closet of yours, it’s going to help you outline a prioritized game plan that gets you from point A to Z by allowing you to check things off as you go.
Long story short boo, it keeps you on track + is designed to help you actually address the mess.
Containerize + Label
What you want to do is remove everything. We know this can sometimes be a BIG task + we also know that it always gets messy before it gets better. By pulling everything out of your closet — you’re freeing your mind of how you currently have it set up.
We need a clean slate to reimagine a better way, a better path forward because if it was working — we wouldn’t be here right.
On a high-level organizing is a process of sorting, categorizing + grouping like items. So when everythings been pulled out — we walk our clients through sorting everything into groups that make sense for them.
Now, in the assessment step above — you might have outlined what is working + you can begin from there. But one of the hidden gems or secrets of the trade *wink* is group items into categories by asking yourself:
Do I use it?
Do I love it?
Do I need it?
In doing so, you’re making decisions without saying “trash, donate, keep” which can oftentimes be overwhelming in itself.
Putting It Back Together + Maintaining It
One of the biggest challenges our organizing members have when it comes to knowing how to organize a closet is — putting it back together. And really this is why we believe wholeheartedly in 1:1 organizing because how your closet is put back together is ALL about you.
Not only how you want it to look — boo, function always precedes aesthetic. So, it’s how you need it to function.
What things do you need regularly?
What things do you want front of mind so you’ll use them?
Do you have enough space (which is often determined by the amount of stuff) to store seasonal items in your closet?
There are so many variables that go into putting items back in your closet but the most important aspect of putting it back is that it makes sense + works for you.
The organizing system has to be intuitive to you. It doesn’t mean it will organize itself or that tweaking the system won’t be necessary.
So there you have it my friend, simple steps for how to organize a closet in your home. And if you loved this blog post then without question, you’re absolutely going to go nuts for our FREE video course: 4-Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home
Also, don’t forget to check out our amazing Free Resource Library or if you’re looking to start your home organizing journey, request a FREE 30-minute Clarity Call and… let’s chat!