Raising Concrete Slabs with Foam- Concrete Raising Systems,Kansas City

We live in a very high-tech world today. It wasn’t that long ago that Social Media, The Apple Store, YouTube, and Google Maps did not exist. And in June 2007, the iPhone was introduced to the world. The trend for products that make life easier and better continues. It can be said that if a product does not make life better or easier then it will not survive. The task of raising concrete slabs with foam does not escape this phenomenon. According to Wikipedia, in the early 1900s hydraulic pressure was used to raise large sections of concrete slabs. Contractors then used a mix of local soil/dirt, crushed rock, and cement, and the term “mud jacking” was coined. Today, Polyurethane Foam lifting is considered the modern method for raising sunken slabs of concrete.
Why Raising Concrete slabs with foam is better than old-fashioned mud jacking
Foam jacking is a product and service that makes life easier and better. It is better because the equipment used in the process is less invasive than the equipment for mud jacking. Foam jacking equipment does not tear up the ground or disturb plant beds and flowers near driveways and sidewalks. The surrounding ground can be wet or dry. The ground must be completely dry for traditional mud jacking to avoid tire imprints from the heavy equipment.
Both the traditional mud jacking and Polyurethane process for raising concrete slabs drill holes in the concrete to inject the lifting product below the sunken slab. However, the Polyurethane process uses fewer holes. Foam jacking holes are smaller, easier to fill, and less unsightly when the job is complete.
Choose better and easier with Foam Jacking
Foam jacking also makes life simpler and better for homeowners who use it to raise and level a driveway. When finished repairing a driveway with foam leveling, a car can drive on it after 30 minutes. A mud jacked driveway must be car-free for at least 4-8 hours.
Raising concrete slabs with foam is better and easier for homeowners wanting to fix the sinking concrete problems once. The 2-part polyurethane foam process will find its way into every void and small space. It expands 7 feet in either direction. Unlike the dirt, rock, and cement mud jacking product, the foam will not be affected by moisture in the soil, and will not shrink over time or wash away.
Imagine a day, a week, or a month without a cell phone or computer. Don’t choose an old-fashioned process. A better and easier way is a raise your sunken concrete slabs with foam. Contact The Concrete Raising Systems professional for state-of-the-art concrete raising today.
This article was originally published in February of 2017 and has been recently updated.