Limewash walls in an open-plan penthouse kitchen

Limewash walls in an open-plan penthouse kitchen

Limewash walls in an open-plan kitchen with white cabinets and marble countertops

Apart from the kitchen itself, the walls and ceilings of this penthouse living space are all treated with limewash paint, which gives so much more texture than regular paint because of the natural pigments of the crushed limestone the paint is made of. The textured walls contrast so nicely with the white tiles and cupboards in the kitchen and with the dark wooden flooring.

a warm grey lime wash paint to add texture

Not only the walls but the entire ceiling structure has been completely covered with lime wash paint. The effect of all these different angles and surfaces in the same texture is impressive and even though it accentuates the structure, it also evens out the many nooks and crannies in the roof and ceiling.

Limewash paints are great to apply to imperfect walls, as the added structure in the natural pigments is much more forgiving than regular paint. You can create different patterns depending on the painting technique you use and you can choose to paint the entire wall, or just a section of the wall for a more modest effect.

In this home, the limewash walls really stand out against the white window frames and the dark wooden flooring, while the natural materials in the dining area contribute to the rustic feeling the lime paint gives to the walls.

White marble in combination with limewash paint

What stands out to me the most in the kitchen is the white marble countertops, which also come back in the kitchen island next to it. To me, the contrast between the limewash paint and the natural color variations in the marble work in perfect balance together. The white marble adds a beautiful texture to the otherwise quite regular kitchen, while the limewash paint enhances the texture of the interior walls.

The white tiling on the kitchen wall goes all the way up to the ceiling, which frames the kitchen in a nice way. I think it accentuates the contrast between the materials and I like the sloped line where the limewash paint ceiling meets the tiled wall.

Styled by Copparstad, photographed by Boukari for Historiska Hem

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